Imaging Core Laboratory

Your missing piece for Imaging Core Lab Services

“I have been working in the clinical research field for approximately 12 years, and a recent project required the use of a specialty imaging core laboratory to assist in two global cardiac SPECT phase 3 protocols. Cardiovascular Imaging Technologies offered the full suite of services from site selection to blinded reads and I was most impressed by their extensive knowledge, ability to collaborate and meet timelines. As an example, CVIT worked tirelessly to review site qualifications and perform site training in order to launch both global programs on time! I appreciated CVIT’s team approach and dedication to assist us in meeting goals.”

  • Tracey A. Roberts, BSN
  • Senior Director of Clinical Trial Management
  • Synthetic Biologics, Inc.
Heading 1Exploratory Phase 1 and 2a Studies

CVIT’s imaging core laboratory Phase 1 and 2 programs offer unique analysis procedures for assessing novel imaging tracers, therapeutics and devices. CVIT imaging core laboratory has developed protocols and endpoints for determining radionuclide dosage and imaging times, pharmacokinetic modeling, harmonization strategies, post-acquisition quality control, image reconstruction and filtering, and much more.

Figure 1: Early Phase 1 and 2a studies are pivotal for the future of a new product. Dosage, study protocol and typical results essential for propelling a product forward can be extracted when the right analysis program is applied.CVIT’s imaging core laboratory can work with your experts to use your exploratory data to identify critical pharmacokinetic parameters for designing optimal Phase 2B and Phase 3 clinical trials.

Large Multi-National Phase 3 Studies using PET and SPECT

Cardiovascular Imaging Technologies has global experience in providing imaging core laboratory services. These studies have covered a broad range of study endpoints including pharmacokinetics, protocol design, endpoint design, sensitivity and specificity and non-inferiority.

Training Programs

CVIT’s imaging core laboratory offers training programs for sites and CROs to ensure protocol adherence for the most challenging imaging protocols. These training programs can be delivered through online webinars, face-to-face, and/or on-site training experiences.

Blinded Interpretation of Image Data

CVIT’s blinded read programs offer highly reproducible endpoint assessments with quality control to maximize the accuracy of reader performance and minimize reader variation. CVIT’s imaging core laboratory utilizes industry standard software and a system of environmental controls to maximize reader reproducibility.


Federal law restricts this device to sale, distribution and use by or on the order of a physician and other practitioners licensed by the law of the State in which the device is used. Specific training in the use of this device is required.