CVIT Story

CVIT is a research and development company focusing on practical solutions for achieving high-quality, maximally-efficient cardiac SPECT, PET, CT and MR imaging. CVIT offers training, preceptorships, processing software, and quality control software designed to improve quality and workflows in cardiac imaging. CVIT organizes, participates in, and functions as a core imaging lab for research studies leading to advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Brands: We have developed and 510(k) cleared the Imagen family of cardiac PET and SPECT products: ImagenPRO, ImagenMD, ImagenQ, Imagen3D, ImagenSPECT and our newest product ImagenUniversal.

  • 2001

    Dr.Bateman and Dr.Case together started Cardiovascular Imaging Technologies.CVIT has over 15 years of experience and leadership in cardiac PET and SPECT imaging and imaging research.

  • 2005

    The company has developed the Cardiac PET Software Environment(Imagen Pro) and FDA licensed 510k on March 17 2005 from then they began selling of the software.

  • 2008

    CVIT developed the Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion PET (Imagen Q) and Cardiac PET Image Quality Review(Imagen MD)and FDA licensed 510k on April 9 2008

  • 2016

    CVIT developed the Advanced SPECT Image Correction and Reconstruction(Imagen Spect) and FDA licensed 510k on Jan 25 2016.

  • 2018

    CVIT developed the ImagenUniversal and FDA licensed 510k on Jan 12 2018. CVIT continuously updates its software versions based on the industry requirements and releases the versions after they are licensed from FDA.